Batch delete... Batch publish

Discussion started by Exact-3D

1. There is no option to batch delete models...
I can check more than one model. It is usefull for price changing or for apply template. But there is no action "delete checked". Deleting one by one is time consuming.

2. Batch uploading is cool! After applying template it is expectedly that Seller will batch publish... by clicking "publish checked drafts".

But there is no such option too...


Posted over 3 years ago

The option to batch publish I suppose it will be very useful when you have to republish your models. I see that you have republished the illegal copies that were erased, that you have not modified the models, nor have you put the editorial license as you said you would. I think it is a very bad decision, both to do it and to indulge it. For something in TS these types of models are not found.

Exact-3D wrote
Tecna, I set editorial licence to my models. You can check this! All models maďe by my own design have royalty free license! You do not know about attack to my account when all my models were deleted. Not only You consider to infringe somebody's right - ALL! Together with support team we fight against such angry user twice!!!! That is a reason I publish my models several times. It is not illegal!!!! You are not saint too, You modeled animals made by God - gave he rights to You personally to copy them? No. As I said before jewelry models have billions variations!!! They differ each other by stone size, shank form, combination of others parameters etc. As many designers here I insiped by many world jewelry models and making modification do similar or looking similar. But You probably choose me as your enemy? Why? I wrote to You to watch everydays list of new published models and You will find many interesting You models... why You did not do this? So now when I published extra models in order ake to those angry user its work harder, I would like to delete such extra models by one click, not deleting by one by one. There is no such option!
Posted over 3 years ago

@Exact-3D, I already checked the license of your models before writing my message, that is precisely why I said it. As far as I know it is not just an angry user, and it is nothing personal against you. Many offenders have been removed, (there are many forum posts about it). And many more will be, because it is clear that something is changing. It is not surprising that the real owners defend their rights. Also, just as you dare to publish these models, because many others do, many are beginning to demand justice when they see that others do it. It is a matter of time, that 3D authors associate to defend their rights, as other artists have already done. And the fraud will end, or at least it will decrease significantly, because the infractions will have consequences and the violators will think twice before committing the infraction.

In the case of counterfeits and illegal copies of jewelry, they have been doing this for a long time, and that is why they have legions of lawyers. That there are many, the modelers who infringe their rights will not stop them, on the contrary it will motivate them. That is why I think that unless you want to have problems, it is a bad decision to sell those models, (it is the advice that I would give to a friend, not an enemy). For my part, I am calm because I do not believe that God demands me.

Maybe you, you convince yourself with the arguments of the similarity and differences between your models and the originals, but I asked honestly, if I would convince a judge. I believe that nobody will believe that the similarity between these models is a coincidence :

illegal copy :

original :

illegal copy :

original :

Exact-3D wrote
As I said all royalty free models was made by my own drawings! What is wrong with it? Inspired models are not the SAME! Look! You did not compare it and You can not! I state that girls pendants differs from original. In my case somebody wiped everything! Let us make CGT plateform better and do not let anybody to decide kill everything without proper evidance.
Posted over 3 years ago

It is not me who you have to convince. We all want to make CGT a better place. I agree that the pendants are different, some are original and the other illegal copies. This is how you like it or not, and the law is clear about it. You are free to do what you want, but you are also responsible for your actions.

Exact-3D wrote
So, insead of discussing reason of my topic You started to check licences of my models? How did You do that? I'l give you advice - sort my models with option "Exclude editorial" - and You will see only models with royalty free license.
Exact-3D wrote
I suspect that you are fighting with me personally, and not being guided by your principles. I will say more - my suspicions extend to cases of attacks on me and my account when ALL my models were indiscriminately deleted. It is very sad. So let me show that girl pendants are everywhere: They are all different! Thay are all only 3d models not made of gold! And even made of gold they are NOT whole Universe Evil!!!!!!! What is your purpose?

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